• The graduate Cláudia De Mori, supervised by Professor Mário Otávio Batalha, received in solemnity at the Federal Council of Administration (CFA) the award for the best Doctoral Thesis in Rural Administration in Brazil, awarded by the Brazilian Society of Economics, Administration, and Rural Sociology (SOBER). The title of the awarded thesis was: “Capacidade tecnológica em sistemas agroindustriais: proposição de índice e aplicação à empresas dos segmentos de leite e trigo”, defended in 2011;
  • Professor Mário Sacomano Neto received an honorable mention for the best article in the area at SIMPOI organised by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EAESP/FGV);
  • Professor Sérgio Luis da Silva received an honorable mention for Best Coordinator of the Organisational Knowledge Management area at the XIX SIMPEP (Production Engineering Symposium), UNESP, Bauru-SP.