
The Graduate Program in Industrial Engineering has been sensitized concerning the importance of disclosing its results to Brazilian society. The national situation in recent years has sharpened our perception that the lack of dissemination of the work developed at Brazilian universities and their results has contributed to the misinformation of specific segments of national society about the importance of public institutions of higher education and postgraduate studies.

It is the understanding of all Program faculty members that this disclosure is essential to account for the public resources invested in the program, to demonstrate the socio-economic benefits generated by the scientific developments produced, to boost the application of this knowledge and technologies in concrete practices and to increase visibility and prestige of faculty members and students.

The new CAPES Evaluation Form innovated by incorporating an urgent need for public universities and their postgraduate programs to publicise their “extramural” products to academia. Simply publishing in high-impact journals of selective editorial policy is not enough. Mechanisms need to be created that publicise our research activities in such a way as to generate IMPACT ON SOCIETY.

Below are some of these initiatives.

  • Thesis and Dissertations
  • Published articles
  • Technological Products
  • Awards
  • Social networks
  • Alumni
  • Charitable Activities & Donations
  • Integration with Industry

Navigate the menu to learn the content of these initiatives!