• Professor Mário Sacomano Neto received prominence for his role as a scientific editor for RAE/FGV in 2018;
  • Professors Pedro Carlos Oprime and Glauco Henrique de Souza Mendes received the Awards for Excellence - 2018 Outstanding Papers award, from Emerald Publishing, for the article OPRIME, P. C.; MENDES, G. H. S. The X-bar control chart with restriction of the capability indices. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, v. 34, p. 38-52-52, 2017. This journal is classified as A2 in Qualis Referência. Emerald Publishing awards a diploma/certificate for articles that stood out during the year, in different areas of knowledge;
  • Professor Reinaldo Morábito was honoured by the Brazilian Society for Operational Research (SOBRAPO) at the opening of the 50th Brazilian Symposium on Operational Research (SBPO) in Rio de Janeiro for the important contribution given to Operational Research in Brazil;
  • From 2018 to 2019, Professor Silvio Eduardo Alvarez Cândido received the honor of being nominated for the Nabuco Chair in Brazilian Studies at the Stanford University Center for Latin American Studies. (Available at: https://clas.stanford.edu/people/former-visitors (external link).