• Professor Ana Lúcia Vitale Torkomian received a tribute for the performance in national management in the first decade of existence of the Association National Forum of Innovation and Technology Transfer Managers (FORTEC);
  • The graduate Flávio Henrique de Oliveira Costa, supervised by Professor Andrea Lago da Silva received the award for the best Master's Dissertation in Rural Administration in Brazil, awarded by the Brazilian Society of Economics, Administration, and Rural Sociology (SOBER). The title of the award-winning dissertation was “Caracterização dos facilitadores para criação de resiliência na cadeia de suprimentos: um estudo de caso a partir das atividades da logística inbound”;
  • Professor Fabiane Lizarelli received the “2nd place category poster in the Masayuki Nakagawa Award” for the paper “CAVERSAN, N.; ALBUQUERQUE, A. A.; LIZARELLI, F. L.; SOUZA, K. G. “Relação entre o Custo de Capital e a Responsabilidade Social Corporativa: comparação de empresas que compõem o Ibovespa e o ISE” received during the XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Custos, 2016, held in Porto de Galinhas;
  • Professor Sérgio Luis da Silva received an honorable mention for Best Coordinator of the Organisational Knowledge Management area at the XXIII SIMPEP (Production Engineering Symposium), UNESP, Bauru-SP.