Reviews from former students
Check out these touching reviews from former students
Reviews from Brazilian graduates
“PPGEP not only solidified my keen interest in scientific research but also laid the foundation for me to develop as a researcher. The environment provided by the program, the opportunities for interaction with different UFSCar programs, the possibility of interacting with leading research groups abroad and having direct contact with different public and private stakeholders all contributed to my research experience being completely different. I am proud to say that I went through PPGEP and I still maintain strong professional bonds, as well as friendship and collaboration with colleagues from DEP, bonds that I am always strengthening and reinforcing!”
Vinícius Picanço Rodrigues did his BSc at DEP (UFSCar) and MSc at PPGEP (UFSCar) and is currently a faculty member at Insper.
“I can only thank the PPGEP, which provided me with the best postgraduate education I could ever have. Both professionally and personally. Personally, I believe it is due to the quality of life. The city of São Carlos is wonderful, the physical environment at UFSCar is great and I was very happy that my supervisor became one of my best friends! What´s more, I practiced the sport I love, volleyball, representing the university in several championships. Professionally speaking, what more can I say! I had an excellent education and practical experiences, working in multinational companies in the area that I was specialising in. All of this certainly led to me being completely satisfied in my career nowadays. I am a respected professional, recognised in my field, and happy in my personal life, because it was also through PPGEP that I met my husband and today we have a daughter who is 3 years old!”
Manoela de Assis Lahoz Trindade did her PhD at PPGEP and currently works at Samsung Eletrônica, in Campinas, São Paulo state, as Ergonomics Coordinator in the Environment, Health and Safety sector.
“The Program enabled me to have an even better understanding of teaching and the relationship between supervisors and students, which helped me a lot in returning to the university where I worked. The invitation from my supervisor, Prof. Mário Otávio Batalha to participate in submitting a project to CNPq and further development was essential for me to have a concrete objective and funding for theoretical and field research. The incentive of the Program and my supervisor to develop part of the research of the thesis abroad in a Sandwich PhD led to the research having an even higher level in the corporate world abroad and made me more confident in my career after my viva. There I was able to experience and begin to understand the experience of submitting and publishing articles in indexed journals and congresses. Undoubtedly, the PhD I did at PPGEP has led to personal and professional growth!”
Priscilla Cristina Cabral Ribeiro did her PhD at PPGEP and is currently a faculty member at the Production Engineering Department at Universidade Federal Fluminense.
“Professionally speaking, my Doctorate enabled me to go into more depth in analysing complex themes of the management of agribusiness production and sustainable territorial development, leading to shaping and implementing development projects related to the theme, both in the public company in which I work, as well as financed by a cooperative producer company. Personally, in addition to nurturing my mind, spending time with faculty members and students during the doctoral course, I also had a pay rise due to my qualification. In terms of family life, I have noticed that my children have been influenced by me finishing this course. Influences that reflect their academic and professional behaviour!”
Carlos Eduardo Silva Santos did a PhD at PPGEP, he is a federal civil servant at Embrapa Cerrados working as an Analyst in the Prospecting and Technology Assessment Sector - Technology Transfer and Innovation.
“When I joined a group that represents less than 0.5% of our population, that is, those who have a PhD, I realised that in some segments of the industry we already have a greater appreciation of people with good scientific training. I received many invitations for lectures and seminars, expanded my postgraduate classes and found it easier to obtain a work visa and be an expatriate in Norway for 30 months! It was certainly worth it!”
Gece Wallace Santos Reno did a PhD at PPGEP and is currently Global Director of Continuous Improvement and EHS at ELKEM, Siderurgia.
“If it weren't for the PPGEP, I probably wouldn't be where I am today. From my research capacity to the quality of writing my technical or scientific texts, I can say, they are 90% from PPGEP!”
Hugo Alves Silva Ribeiro did his Master's degree at PPGEP, he is a federal civil servant at the National Land Transport Agency - ANTT
“The courses at PPGEP, as well as the projects in which I participated, equipped me a lot of knowledge and opened doors for me in the industry. I am very grateful for everything I learned at PPGEP”
Jerusa Barbosa Guarda de Souza did a Master's degree and Doctorate at PPGEP and currently works at Embraer specialising in Ergonomics/Human Factors.
“PPGEP gave me the opportunity to learn from the best lecturers in Production Engineering in Brazil. I am very grateful for everything I learnt and partnerships, which I still maintain in my life today!”
Aldara da Silva Cezar did a PhD at PPGEP and is currently an Associate Professor in the Agribusiness Engineering Department at Universidade Federal Fluminense
Reviews from international graduates
“PPGEP offered me the possibility to study a quality postgraduate course with the lecturers, a possibility that I did not have in my country!”
Juan Sebastián Poveda Gulfo, Colombian, did his master’s degree at PPGEP and works in the Planning Department at Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia.
“I believe that academic training directly leads to improvements in people's quality of life. During my 4 years at PPGEP I was trained as a competent, critical and autonomous researcher, with solid bases and theoretical and practical foundations. This training opened up new opportunities outside Brazil and enabled me to participate in innovative and challenging research projects. In addition, it also led me to discover new cultures, learn new languages and establish professional and personal relationships with people in different parts of the world!”
Pedro Luis Miranda Lugo, from Colombia, did a PhD at PPGEP and is currently doing post-doctoral studies at CIRRELT and GERAD, two renowned research centres in the field of operational, logistics and transport research based in Montreal, Canada.