Theses and Dissertations in different formats and written in English
At the Graduate Program in Industrial Engineering, students can write their theses or dissertations in English. In addition to the traditional format provided by NBR14724, which structures the document into pre-textual, textual and post-textual elements, theses and dissertations can be structured in the format of an article. This practice has contributed positively to establishing international sandwich partnerships and also obtaining funding from international agencies, as documents written in English speed up the whole process. The structure of an article contributes positively to publishing papers in high-impact journals of selective editorial policy and high impact.
Example(s) of paper(s) written in English and/or structured in articles
The thesis “Lean & Six Sigma initiatives in the food industry” by Luana Bonomé Message Costa was the result of a multi-lateral research project (BR-USA), involving Professor Lawrence Fredendall from Clemson University (USA) and Professors Moacir Godinho Filho and Gilberto Miller Devós Ganga from the Graduate Program in Industrial Engineering. The objective of the research was to explore the relevance of adopting Lean & Six Sigma initiatives in the food industry. Luana did her sandwich doctorate funded by a CAPES International scholarship (Sandwich Doctorate Program Abroad - PDSE in Portuguese).
Read Luana's thesis, written in English and structured into articles (external link).
The academic production of this project also resulted in articles published in high-impact journals of selective editorial policy, described below:
COSTA, L. B. M.; GODINHO FILHO, M.; FREDENDALL, L. D.; GANGA, G. M. D. Lean six sigma in the food industry: Construct development and measurement validation. International Journal of Production Economics, v. 231, p. 107843, 2021.
COSTA, L. B. M.; GODINHO FILHO, M.; FREDENDALL, L. D.; GANGA, G. M. D. The effect of Lean Six Sigma practices on food industry performance: Implications of the Sector's experience and typical characteristics. Food Control, v. 112, p. 107110, 2020.
COSTA, L. B. M.; GODINHO FILHO, M.; FREDENDALL, L. D.; GÓMEZ PAREDES, F. J. Lean, six sigma and lean six sigma in the food industry: A systematic literature review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, v. 82, p. 122-133, 2018.
Check out other theses and dissertations written in English and/or in articles
Sustaining lean thinking in healthcare: case studies by Daniel Barberato Henrique (external link)